Welcome Back
The Hamilton Biz Directory is back, and will soon be better than ever.We'd like to thank you for your patience while we've been away, but guarantee we will have nothing but high quality listings relevant to Hamilton and the immediate area only.
All listings will be monitored and set to approval only. This will keep unacceptable businesses from posting and cluttering up this soon-to-be magnificent site.
Update on Why we Love Hamilton
I grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Hamilton, Ontario. The name of the town is Caledonia, and the proximity to Hamilton meant that if any fun was to be had as a youngster, it meant going to Hamilton.Whether it was to a Tiger Cat football game, or a Hamilton Bulldogs hockey game, there was no shortage of entertainment and business options in this fine city on the mountain.
The Directory Comeback
With the come back of this directory, I hope to revisit past businesses that I loved to frequent in the old days, as well as new companies that have emerged over the years.Though I may not live as close to Hamilton as I once did, the Steel City still remains a great location for shopping and recreation, as you'll soon discover.